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5th Grade Resources

Stop Motion Inspiration

Stop Motion Inspiration

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Henri Le Chat Noir

Henri Le Chat Noir

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Movie Studio Logos

Movie Studio Logos

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Watch Studio Logos (Right) to generate ideas.  What makes a great studio logo?  How can you design a better one?  What do the great logos have in common?

To submit Creative Credits, Click on the letter "C" to the left.

Click on the emoji above to submit your .Mp4 voice over 'LeChatNoir' style film. Add transitions and a special effect. You can change the way your voice sounds too.  Add Audio Effects through the Effects workspace
(Window-->WorkSpace-->Effects), experiment & have fun!  The first video in the channel on the right basically walks you through the whole project.  Export your finished mp4 and submit to the OneDrive link above.

Editing In Premiere Pro

Editing In Premiere Pro

Watch Now

All the videos in the channel above will help you with adding transitions, video & audio effects.

For extra help, click on the ">>" below to view the pdf's 

Questions to ponder:

  • How are these two films the same?

  • How are they different?

  • How is the story being 'told'?

  • What Elements of Art and Principles of Design can you identify?

  • How would you change it?

Click on the pencil to answer


The Animated Elements of Art

The Animated Elements of Art

Watch Now
Principles of Design

Principles of Design

Watch Now

Pixar in a  Box - Khan Academy

Like every subject, Film has its own lingo.  Watch the following 2 videos from Pixar in a Box from Khan Academy and then click on the fox to complete the activity.

Pixar in a  Box - Khan Academy

Part 2

Learn to frame your shots.  Watch the video below & link to the activity by clicking the fox icon.

Pixar in a  Box - Khan Academy

Extreme Shot Types.  Watch the video then click on the fox to complete the activity

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