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7th resources

Just log into your Hockaday MS Office 365, then click on the Mustache & headphones to go to our shared OneDrive folder. 

        Name your files:  LastName_FirstInitial_7_Title

Add Text & Sound to a signature credit sequence that you can add to the end of any video
Movie Studio Logos

Movie Studio Logos

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Make 16 short video clips from the shot types outlined in the link below of a single subject.  You may use your surface pro or check out a video camera from me.

Arrange clips in Premiere Pro, add video transitions and use a special effect. (see tutorials in video -->)

Export video then record voice over while watching your video.  If you want to record at home, you may use Premiere Pro's microphone.  Otherwise you will use MS Surface Pro Voice Recorder.  Do not try to record your voice in one take.  Make separate recordings for each sentence or clip.  

Move the sound clips to your Premiere Pro project and add a voice changing effect.

Export your masterpiece :) & Submit .mp4 file to cat link or project name link.

Henri Le Chat Noir

Henri Le Chat Noir

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Editing In Premiere Pro

Editing In Premiere Pro

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