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Monday, December 2  Day 1

1.  Holiday Gift Drive begins

2.  Flex Electives at 11:10

3.  No Schumann Orchestra rehearsal today

4.  Seventh Advisors’ Meeting at 3:25


Tuesday, December 3 Day 2

1.  Flex at 11:10

2.  5/6 Choir at 11:10

3.  Sixth Advisors’ Meeting at lunch

4.  Eighth Advisors’ meeting at 2:30

5.  Winter Choir Concert at 7:00

6.  Winter Tennis at home at 3:30

7.  Plaid Soccer at home at 4:00

8.  White Soccer at home at 4:00


Wednesday, December 4  Day 3

1.   7th Swimming Study Hall during PE

2.   Free Break at 9:20

3.   Cornerstones Studies at 11:10

4.   Fifth Advisors’ Meeting at lunch

5.   Cecilia, Muse, and Schumann Mandatory Dress Rehearsal at 2:15

6.   7/8 Choir at 2:15

7.   Swimming away – 2:20 dismissal

8.   Plaid Basketball away -3:00 dismissal

9.   Green Basketball away at 5:30

10. Green Soccer at home at 4:30

11.  White Soccer at home at 4:30


Thursday, December 5 Day 4

1.  Special Schedule (see above)

2.  Orchestra reports to stage and choirs to choir room after E Period

     /sixth grade orchestra and choir members drop off computers in         5/6 Commons

3.  Sixth graders drop off computers in 5/6 Commons

4.  Winter Orchestra/Choir Concert from 10:40-11:40

5.  Evening Winter Concert Orchestra Performance at 5:30 in Hicks

6.  Winter Tennis at home at 3:30

7.  Plaid Soccer at home at 4:00


Friday, December 6  Day 5

1.     Break Sale and Free Break at 9:25

2.     Flex Electives at 11:10

3.     Orchestra to lunch at 11:10 and leave at 12:15 for Northpark                /return by 3:00

4.     Choirs leave for Northpark at 12:30/return by 3:00

5.     Choirs and orchestras perform at Northpark at 1:30

6.     Green Basketball at home at 5:00


Saturday, December 7

1.    Green Basketball at home – time TBA

2.    White Soccer at home at 11:30

3.    Eighth-grade Dance at St. Mark’s 7:00-9:00



Coming Up:   Fire Drill, 7th grade field trip, Spelling Bee Prelims, MS Prospective Parent Visit


Toy Drive


I've emailed all of you the Amazon List and payment request.  I went ahead & ordered as time is a factor now.  Please reimburse me ASAP.  Orders will arrive at my husband's office by Thursday 12/5 at the latest and I will bring it all to Hockaday by Friday's deadline.

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