Standard of Work Rubric
A - Exemplary – The student consistently demonstrates the skill or understands the concept at an exemplary level. Performance indicators show that the student grasps, applies, connects, and extends key concepts, processes, and skills consistently and independently.
B - Proficient – The student demonstrates the skill or understands the concept at a proficient level. Performance indicators show that the student, with limited errors, grasps key concepts, processes, and skills and understands and applies them effectively.
C - Progressing – The student is progressing towards demonstrating the skill or understanding the concept. Performance indicators show that the student is beginning to grasp and apply key concepts, processes, and skills.
D and Below - Experiencing Difficulty – The student is experiencing difficulty and needs improvement in understanding and applying the skill or concept. Performance indicators show that the student is not demonstrating understanding of key concepts, processes, and skills and requires additional support.
Grades are assessed in the following areas:
Student addressed the prompts presented in the assignment - In other words, you followed all the directions
Personal concept - Composition
Mastery of skills - Demonstrates understanding of materials in their use and practice. ie used a variety of pencils from 2h - 6b
Ability to use Visual Thinking Strategies using art terms - Using Elements of Art & Principles of Design
Self-editing capability - Works independently and demonstrates the application of Visual Thinking strategies, seeks help when needed
Rubric will be provided if different from above.

Grading is based on the student’s:
Creative Practice
Active participation in class and coursework (Classwork 30% of grade) - uploading progress to daily classwork via posted links in OnCampus or class website - Msmiro.com
Sketchbook practice - (Classwork 30% of grade) includes sketchbook prompts and any independent practice (Homework 5% of grade). Independent practice outside of assigned prompts result in higher grade (extra credit). Drawing from observation. Student must date drawing & upload for evaluation.
Homework - sketchbook prompts. (5% of grade)
Completion of studio assignments (Project 40% of grade)- uploading edited documentation of final project via posted links in OnCampus or class website - Msmiro.com
Participation in critique (Writing 20% of grade) - completing self critique or assigned critique of partner via MS forms (links provided) using 'design language' - Elements of Art & Principles of Design utilizing 4 step Formal Analysis: Description, Analysis, Interpretation & Judgement
Completion of a portfolio review (Project 40% of grade) - uploading all documentation of assignments (Classwork 30% of grade), daily progress and final images (Project 40% of grade) to links provided in OnCampus or class website - Msmiro.com
Demonstrates evidence of artistic growth - Demonstrates growth from first project through final project
Homework (5% of grade), Quiz (5% of grade), Classwork (30% of grade), Project (40% of grade), Writing/Critique/Self-Reflection/Artist Statement (20% of grade) = 100% Final Grade
Limited extra credit given for attending museum and gallery exhibitions and completing sketchbook response. Must be approved in advanced by the instructor. - must bring documentation of visit, such as museum ticket or gallery opening card.
If you are absent, check the online system. If you miss class, you are responsible for finishing projects on your own time. You may make arrangements to come in and work on projects during Y period as needed.
Students will be required to maintain a sketchbook that will be graded on five components;
Class Notes: Sketches and notations.
Preliminary Planning: Brainstorming, thumbnail sketching, sketchnoting, composition planning, material studies, parameters of format.
Out of class practices: Not everything interesting will happen in the art studio. Carry your sketchbook with you. Use your sketchbook as a primary source of image capture.
Personal studies/practices: Use your sketchbook to create personally inspired artwork. Take your sketchbook home. Work in it during breaks at school. Bring it with you when you travel, etc. It is a real-life place to express yourself and analyze.
Portfolio reviews will occur each semester. The purpose of this review is to reflect on your work in and outside of class and analyze your artistic progress. It will also help you to see patterns in your work that could strengthen your artistic voice. Students will be expected to self-reflect, and then meet with the teacher one-on-one to discuss progress. - You must upload edited photos of final projects and daily progress to links provided in OnCampus or msmiro.com. Portfolio review will be in the form of creating an online website of work that includes artist statement using Wix, a free website.