Studio Art 1
Resources & Assignments
Monday, 1/10 - Build a 3D Gallery using Art Steps

Plan a guided tour
Write a description of artwork: title, media
Use text to introduce gallery / artist statement
Build a virtual 3D gallery for your artwork using Art Steps. Watch the tutorials in the channel on the left. Create a free account on ArtSteps.com.
Each tutorial is about 2 minutes long. It's a lot like playing MineCraft. "Hang" your artwork inside the space. Accentuate the space with 3D objects. Add sound. Design an experience that fits the work. See examples on their website. You can check out the one I built last year for the end of year show. Use what you know about Design Principles to create a unique experience. Hang all your work you've created thus far, projects and sketchbook work. Edit the photos and frame them. Use wall space to write a statement about your work. Create a guided tour with explanations of the work.
Publish the site. Go to OnCampus and post a link to your site in the designated discussion.
Thursday, 1/6 - Drawing the Human Head

Drawing the Human Head
Work through the two videos in the channel on the left. Produce 2-4 sketches in your sketchbook. Photograph them and upload them to the link below.
Complete Holiday cards below if you have not already done so. Use a piece of watercolor paper and fold it in half. Turn it in to the link on the Holiday Card Artist's style (gray box) below.
Homework: Make a full value drawing of your face from a mirror. Include your whole head. Upload it to the link below.
Thursday 12/16 - Holiday Cards Artist's Style
Each of you are assigned an artist in OnCampus. Research the artist and make 2 holiday cards based on how that artist works. You can use any media in the bag that you wish. To create the cards, use 1 piece of watercolor paper. Fold it in 1/2

Have a great Winter Break! See you next year!
lengthwise. Each half will fold into a 5.5 x 7.5 card.
Click here for article about famous artists holiday cards from National Geographic:
Besides their seasonal relevance, Savig says the images offer insights into the lives and times of their creators.
“What I appreciate most is that they show the relationships of the art world, “ she says. “You can understand that a lot of these artists were part of close-knit communities, and you can map these relationships. It also humanizes them more, because you can sometimes see that they were playful or charming, even if their art wasn’t.”

Friday, 10/1
American Love Project
I am out again today. Hope to get test result back for my Mom today. I'm having her call them. Sorry about this.
Hopefully you have all uploaded thumbnails of your idea. I will review them shortly. Today is a studio day. Please be sure to document your progress and upload it to the link at the end of class.
If you are absent, you are responsible for making up the studio time & uploading a process image for the turn in link.
I will zoom in to be available for questions.
Hopefully see you all on Tuesday.
Upload your progress image(s) to the Turn it in link below.
Name your file: LastName_FirstInitial_ALP_progress_10-1
Ex: Miro_C_ALP_progress_10-1

Tuesday, 10/5
Sketchbook Prompt
Do a 10 minute sketch from still life using only Scumbling. You don't need to draw the entire still life, just 'zoom in' on an area. Draw that object and anything touching it. Compose the whole page. Upload it here.
Name file: LastName_FirstInitial_Scumbling_10-5
Example: Miro_C_Scumbling_10-5
As always, upload your studio progress to the Turn it in link by 8pm this evening.

Monday, 9/27
Sketchbook Prompt
Make a 10 minute line drawing using an 8B pencil from the still life. Draw items that overlap. Include tape lines. DO NOT LOOK AT YOUR PAPER. Only look at the items on the table. Upload to link by end of class.
We will work through this together today in class. You are to take notes and make sketches in your sketchbook which you will upload at the end of class to the Turn it in link below.
Homework 9/27 - Read Article
Wednesday, 9/29

American Love Project
The American Love Project is a Social Practice Project by Pulitzer Prize Winner, Karen Blessen. I met Karen while I was in grad school at UTD working on the Nasher X-Change project, Vickery Meadow Trans.lation by artist, Rick Lowe. This is a great opportunity to have your work shown online and possibly printed and displayed in Washington D.C.
Just like our zine project, I am assigning two Elements of Art and one Principle of Design for you to use in the work your create. Your assigned EOA's & Principles are below. If you need further explanation of the Principles see previous articles in Topic 9/2 in OnCampus - Project 1 MiniZine Elements of Art & Principles of Design
Upload a progress/brainstorming photo to the Turn it in Link posted in this topic by 5 pm today. Thank you!

Thursday 9/23
Using graphite, make a 10 minute line drawing from the still life on the table. Draw exactly what you SEE, including the lines on the table. Do not use shading. Upload your file to the link.
Name file: LastName_FirstInitial_9-23
Example: Miro_C_9-23
Read Article from New York Times
Up Next
Monday we will draw again from the still life, explore lines and continue discussion about Social Practice Art.
Tuesday 9/21

Pre College Art Lab (PCAL)
Every summer, high school students from across the country attend the Pre-College ArtLab to experience life as a student at the Kansas City Art Institute. Students work alongside accomplished faculty to expand their work technically and conceptually.
During the two weeks, students study life drawing and art history, plus their major studio. Weekends are devoted to introducing students to practicing artists and KCAI alumni, area galleries and the local Kansas City arts scene.
Students enjoy working in professional and spacious studios, living in suite-style rooms in the brand new, award-winning Barbara Marshall Residence Hall, and gathering with friends for delicious meals in the Wylie Dining Center, all located in the heart of the beautiful 16-acre campus.
Students who successfully complete PCAL will be eligible for an annual $1,500 scholarship upon enrollment in KCAI’s degree program. This $1,500 scholarship is in addition to the KCAI merit scholarship and financial aid for which a student may qualify.
More information and applications will be available at the beginning of 2022. If you would like to be notified when applications are available, fill out the inquiry form below.
Contact us at pcal@kcai.edu or (816) 802-3423 with questions.
Today we had Maret Cissner from KCAI visit our class. Ms. Cissner did a great presentation on KCAI, what it's like to go to art school, all the majors offered,
financial aid, scholarships and summer programs.
Monday Sept. 13th

What we will do today
Sketchbook Prompt, 10 minute drawing: Make a drawing that addresses the phrase, "When I was younger" Do not include words. You may use any media in your bag. Upload picture by end of class here. Name your file: LastName_FirstInitial_9-13
Project 1 - Mini Zine due 9/13
Today kicks off our last studio session on Zine Project. Creating a mini zine. If you finished one zine, you can make another using the same elements and principle or getting a new set from me. Upload photo of progress by the end of class to the Turn it in link below. Or upload your finished Zine no later than 9/15 before class.
Links -
Reading & Video Links
Be sure to read articles. There could be a quiz over content. Nothing hard :) Make sure you are taking good pictures of work.
Wednesday 9/15
How to critique

What we will do today
10 Minute Sketch: Visually address the phrase, "My Biggest Fear". Use any media in your bag. Do not include text. Photograph your sketch and upload it here.
Watch these videos below on How to Critique Artwork to help you analyze your own work and others. Use tips here to complete critique in OnCampus.

How to Critique Artwork
Useful Links
No homework :) Have a good break
Tuesday Sept 7th

What we did today
Today in class we started our first project, Art Zines.
Sketchbook Prompt: Draw an object from observation but rearrange it's parts. Upload a picture here.
Project 1 - Mini Zine due 9/13
Today kicks off our first project. Creating a mini zine. You will receive blank zine paper and two chip board covers. You will create a zine that uses two Elements of Art and one Principle of Design. Look inside this topic for instructions, due dates, rubric and inspiration.
Links -
Reading Links
Thursday Sept. 9th

What we will do today
Sketchbook Prompt, 10 minute drawing: Visually address the question, "Who Am I?" Do not include words. You may use any media in your bag. Upload picture by end of class here. Name your file: LastName_FirstInitial_9-9.jpg
Project 1 - Mini Zine due 9/13
Today kicks off our second studio session on Zine Project. Creating a mini zine. If you finished one zine, you can make another using the same elements and principle or getting a new set from me. Upload photo of progress by the end of class to the Turn it in link below.
Links -
Reading & Video Links
Be sure to read articles. There could be a quiz over content. Nothing hard :) Make sure you are taking good pictures of work.
Thursday Sept 2nd

What we did today
Today in class we received some new supplies for the Art 1 bag: Ink, pencil case with various supplies and markers. Classwork assignment: Make a sketch of the contents of your pencil box & upload a picture to the link below.
If you were absent, make a sketch of the contents of a similar item using the pencils of your sketch kit. Upload this as soon as you are feeling better to the link below. Include any other sketches you have made in your sketchbook.
Photograph your artwork with your smartphone and upload the image to OneDrive Link below, "Turn it In". Be sure to log into your MS Office 365 and make sure your icon appears with your initials in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Name your file: LastName_FirstInitial_DateofDrawing.jpg
Project 1 - Mini Zine due 9/13
Using supplies from your bag, create a Mini Zine using the assigned Elements of Art to create the assigned Principle of Design. Your zine does not have to tell a story. It can be abstract. Just be sure to correctly use the assigned elements to create the Principle of Design issued to you. Read the links below that apply to the Principle of Design assigned to you. We will officially start this project when we return on 9/8.
Links -
Reading Links
Wednesday, 9/7 we will finish up videos on Elements of Art & Principles of Design and begin the first Project: Mini Zine, outlined above.
Tuesday August 31st

Today we distributed art bags and talked briefly about Syllabus. We will start reviewing Elements of Art & Principles of Design Thursday, 9/2.
Learn how to document and submit your artwork to OneDrive.